Wednesday, December 28, 2016


     On Monday, I went to Irvine to see my cousin Nylah who was visiting from Washington, DC. My cousin Sophia lives in Irvine. I used to see her every week when I took a math class there, but I stopped doing the class, so  now I don't see her as often.
     Sophia has a little sister, Sonia and a little brother, Savien.  At my cousins' house, we played a lot of running away games. First we ran away from Savien who was on his tractor. Then we ran away from the camera because my uncle wouldn't stop taking our pictures.
     We ate chocolate cake, which my dad brought from Whole Foods. Then we built a fort upstairs and we used a bucket and string to create a pulley so we could bring stuff upstairs without carrying it.
  Unfortunately, one of my uncle's favorite toys fell out of the bucket and broke, which was very sad. After breaking his toy, we jumped on the trampoline. We played Dead Man.  In the game, one person sits in the middle of the trampoline with their eyes closed and the rest of us jump around. The person in the middle then has to catch one of us.
After that game, my dad said it was time to go because we were going to see Cinderella, a play, in Pasadena and my cousins were going to Chuckee Cheese.

The best part about seeing my cousins was how much fun we have together and how nice everyone is. I love my cousins.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Broad Museum Downtown

Looking at giant plates by Robert Therrien. They are made of fiber glass and have a pole
through them to hold them up.

The Brain

Going up the escalator 

Now I know how Barbie feels

Yesterday, I went to the art the exhibit at the Broad. My favorite piece of art at the exhibit was the GIANT table and chairs. The only thing  that I really do not like about museums is that there is no touching! I like the Science Center more because I like to do more than just look!
I really like looking at the life-size sculptures and at this exhibit THERE WERE A LOT OF THEM!  


Saturday, December 10, 2016


Standing in front of lady Macbeth  

Queen Macbeth 

Friday, December 9, 2016


Yesterday, I went to the Shakespeare ibex at the public library down town.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Elizabeth Blackwell

Image result for elizabeth blackwellImage result for elizabeth blackwellImage result for elizabeth blackwellImage result for elizabeth blackwell as a girlImage result for elizabeth blackwell as a child

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female doctor in America and one of my heroes. 

She was born on February 3, 1821 in England, 100 years before women got the vote. When she was alive women were considered their father's  property and later they were their husband's property. 

For work, it was only proper for a woman to be a nanny, school teacher or wife. 

It was not actually Elizabeth's idea to become a doctor it was her friend Mary Donaldson's idea. Donaldson said she would much rather be examined by a woman rather than a man when she had to see a doctor. This put the idea into Elizabeth's head that she could help her friend and other women by becoming a doctor.  The idea gnawed at Elizabeth. She thought about it over tea, at sewing circles and she dreamed about it at night. 

But, it wasn't an easy thing to do because there wasn't a single medical school that wanted a woman, even though her dad gave his permission for her to attend. 

She finally received a letter from a school in New York that accepted her and she was able to attend medical school. 

Elizabeth was teased and harassed by the men in her class. They were hoping she would leave, but she didn't. She graduated in 1849, with the highest grades in the whole class. 

She had become the first female doctor in America. 



Thursday, November 24, 2016


Last week, I went to the Science Center. While we were walking through the aquarium I saw my favorite sea animal the jellyfish. The jellyfish can hardly be considered a animal because it only has one cell. But, of course, it is a animal.

The reason  my favorite sea animal is the jelly fish is because it floats freely in the water.

What a life no homework no anything just free!  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


We brought a Chinese food lunch to the beach.

Dancing in the sprinklers

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The tide was way out

My mom was there too with a giant hat AND sun umbrella!

Collecting Clams.

Making a tide pool

My uncle

A "beach-made" necklace.

Yesterday, I went to the beach. When I was jumping in the waves, I felt something like tiny rocks under my feet. I picked up what felt like tiny rocks with my toes, but when my foot emerged from the water, instead of small rocks I saw very, very small clams.  They were too small to eat but they they were just interesting to look at because there were so many of them. 

Pop Rocks

I love science and candy. And, I think Pop Rocks are one of the greatest candies of all time!

Start by dumping a few of the tiny pebbles onto your tongue and, in a instant, they begin FIZZING, POPPING and SNAPPING about in your mouth.

What's going on here?

The secret behind the famous "popping" of Pop Rocks candy is pressurized carbon dioxide gas.

Each of the tiny little candy pebbles contains a small amount of the gas. These tiny carbon dioxide bubbles make the popping sound you hear when they burst free from their candy shells.

The popping is the sound of the carbon dioxide gas being released.

How Are Pop Rocks Made?

Have you ever made candy?  Pop Rocks start like any other hard candy. Start by combining sugar and water, flavoring and bring it to a boil.  With Pop Rocks, the hot sugar mixture is mixed with carbon dioxide gas under high pressure.

Tiny high pressure bubbles of carbon dioxide gas form in the candy.

When the hot candy mixture cools and the pressure of the gas is released, the hard candy shatters into tiny pieces of carbonated candy.

When the candy melts in your mouth, the bubbles of gas are released with a loud pop.

If you want to take this a step further, you and use carbon dioxide to inflate a balloon.  Carbon dioxide is also the gas that is in soda. It makes soda fizz.  Quickly open a bottle of soda and put a balloon on the mouth of the bottle and watch it inflate.