Saturday, October 22, 2016

Nim's island

Image result for Nim's islandImage result for Nim's islandImage result for Nim's islandImage result for Nim's islandImage result for Nim's islandImage result for Nim's island

Nim's Island is about a girl who lives on an island. She is very brave. For example, when she was alone and there was a storm, instead of freaking-out the way I did when the power went out, even though my dad was in the next room, she grabbed the cover for her dad's computer and put it on. I like how brave, strong at heart, and friendly she is. I also liked how she was able to teach herself simply through books. She reads and learns from her animal friends.


  1. Sounds like a great series, Noor. Thanks for sharing.

    Love, Dad

  2. I HAVE seen that movie! I forgot I had seen it. Gemma and I watched it together, and I remember thinking it was very sweet. I also liked how brave the main character was. :)
